Worship & Notices for February 2022

Our Circuit Churches are open for in-person worship.

Most Circuit churches are advising the congregation to continue to follow Covid precautions regarding hand sanitising, wearing masks and social distancing, etc.

If you feel uncomfortable attending in person, there are online alternatives for you to use.

If you feel unwell at all please do not attend in person.

We will continue with the Zoom evening services for the whole Circuit on most Sunday evenings, hosted by various Churches. Your local email Hub Co-ordinator will send you an email with a link to join these. (If you haven’t received an email, please contact one of your church stewards).

Zoom groups will typically “open” 15 minutes before the start time to allow everyone to join, chat, and settle-in before beginning our Worship or Study together.

There will be no evening Zoom service when there is a 5th Sunday in the month.

Our services for February 2022 are detailed in the Circuit Plan available on the Downloads page. Various other activities that may interest you are at the bottom of this page.


February 6th

We welcome our minister Rev Alan Jenkins to lead our morning Communion service.

The evening zoom service will be led by Rev Ken Chalmers and hosted by The Ark at 6.30pm.

February 13th

We welcome Ron Firmin to lead our Worship.

The evening zoom service will be led by Rev Alan Jenkins and hosted by Castle at 6.30pm.

February 20th

Rev Alan Jenkins will lead our worship today.

The evening zoom service will be led and hosted by Wivenhoe at 3pm.

February 27th

Our Worship will be led this morning by Jo Eckersley.

The evening zoom service will be led by Rev Ken Chalmers and hosted by The Well at 6.30pm.



For those who cannot attend a church in person, we Live-Stream the 10:30am Sunday Service from Castle.

To join future Live-Streamed services from home, please Subscribe to  Castle’s YouTube channel, and click the Notification Bell icon, to be notified when each service is about to go live. (It is free, and you can change your mind at any time. We need to reach 100 subscribers and then we can ask for a more memorable channel name, so please consider doing so if you have not already).

Contact someone from our technical team if you need more help with this.

All of our previous services are available on Castle’s YouTube Channel and you can access the Live-Stream playlist for 2021 here OR the Live-Stream playlist for 2022 here at any time. Alternatively, you can use the Live Stream link, from the Services page, on this website.

The YouTube channel for Colchester Methodists will also have the services from Castle available, but not until Sunday afternoon. Other new material may be uploaded on an ad-hoc basis.

You can access all of our existing Circuit material, including stories for Young People, at any time on the channel. If you are subscribed to that channel, you should receive an email notification when any new material is uploaded. https://www.youtube.com/ColchesterMethodists

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the You Tube channel. It is FREE. (Just click on the SUBSCRIBE button), also click on the NOTIFICATION BELL ICON, then choose “all” as an option to receive an email notification / link each time a new video is uploaded. You can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the Subscribe button a second time.

Circuit Notices

In addition to the December to February Plan, the Circuit Plan for March to May is now available on the Downloads page.

Rev Joe Adams will be back to work very soon, and will be leading services in Churches across the Circuit in the coming months.

We are looking forward to welcoming Rev Chris Preece as our new Superintendent Minister from September 2022, subject to Conference approval.

The farewell service for Rev Alan Jenkins and Rev Ken Chalmers has been arranged for 6.30pm on Sunday 17th July 2022 at Castle Methodist Church and will be led by Rev Tony Miles. More details will be available nearer the date.


Zoom Bible Study Groups:

Bible study sessions for everyone in the Circuit are held weekly on Tuesday’s and led by Ken. The Zoom meeting will open at 7.15pm for informal chat with Bible Study commencing at 7.30pm.

We began our new study on The Acts of the Apostles on Tuesday 13th July. We will meet online again on Tuesday 8th and 15th February.

It’s not too late to join in this study – please send an email to  thearkhighwoods@gmail.com  for more details, homework(!) and a Zoom link.


News from St Botolph’s for February 2022 is available now by email. If you want to be added to this list please contact Geoff or Geoff.



Upcoming Activities which may be of interest:

News from Cantus Firmus

World Praise Weekend 26th February 2022 Arrangements for this event have changed, please refer to the Cantus Firmus website here.

Cantus Firmus are holding a Prayer Breakfast on Saturday 19 March, 8.30 to 10.00am, at St John’s, Cauldwell Hall Road, Ipswich IP4 4QE

We welcome all who would like to pray for the work of Cantus Firmus. Please sign up HERE if you are plan to attend (by Wednesday 16 March).

We will eat breakfast together, and spend some time praying, asking for God’s direction and blessing as we move forward.

To reassure everyone – no one will be put on the spot to pray aloud, if that’s something you’re not comfortable with – there will be a range of ideas, prayer spaces etc.


Audio CD’s, and DVD’s, are being made available to anyone unable to view the online service. If you know of someone who would benefit from this please let a Minister or pastoral leader know.

For more information about these activities, or to tell us about your news from around the circuit for inclusion next time, please contact colchester.methodists@gmail.com

Be sure to keep yourselves safe and well.

Let someone know if you are struggling, if you need a chat, or just some shopping. Do contact your pastoral leader, or send someone an email:  you may be in isolation, but you are not alone.

February Header

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