Worship & Notices for 07 03 2021
Please refer to the new “Online Services” page on the Menu for details about all of the Online Services, and other regular activities in the Circuit.
The YouTube channel for Colchester Methodists continues to have videos uploaded regularly. If you follow this link, it will take you there: https://www.youtube.com/ColchesterMethodists
The service for this Sunday can be found by using this shortcut link.
You can find Bible Stories and Activities for Young People on the Young Sunday page of the Circuit Website, or by following this shortcut link.
When you leave a church service would you usually shake the hand of the Minister and thank him for the service? If so, please encourage our ministers and the team, by clicking on the Thumbs Up / LIKE icon for the video. This also helps our videos to be promoted to others, and spreads the word of God.
You can also leave a brief message in the comments below each video, but PLEASE don’t forget that literally EVERYONE worldwide can see this, so don’t make any personal comments, or refer to people in a way that risks their privacy in any way.
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the You Tube channel. It is FREE. Also click on the NOTIFICATION BELL ICON, then choose “all” as an option to receive an email notification / link each time a new video is uploaded. You can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the Subscribe button a second time.
Circuit Notices
Week Commencing
Sunday 07 March 2021
During this latest Lockdown, the Government has not banned churches from opening for Worship, however, most have decided that it is not safe or wise to open at the present time.
Taking Stock is now back to a regular weekly spot, on Wednesdays, and we will also be adding to our Zoom services and other online activities in the coming weeks. Further details will be added here when available.
Your local Methodist Church website will give more details about groups and activities which are taking place there – click on that Church in the Menu on the Circuit Website.
After an absence due to illness Rev Ken Chalmers has now returned to part time working: If you need to speak to a Minister please contact Rev Alan Jenkins or Rev Joe Adams, or contact your Pastoral Leader.
Please continue to remember Ken in your prayers, together with other folk across the circuit who are suffering from various health problems at this time.
Please remember in your prayers any members and friends who have recently tested positive for Covid-19, and those known to us who are NHS or other keyworkers.
Zoom Bible Study Groups:
Alan’s bible study sessions for Castle will be on the last Wednesday of each month. Our next session will be looking at Psalms. The Zoom meeting will open at 7.15pm for informal chat with Bible Study commencing at 7.30pm.
Ken’s bible study sessions for The Ark are weekly on Tuesday’s. The Zoom meeting will open at 7.15pm for informal chat with Bible Study commencing at 7.30pm. A new study Session commenced on 19 January 2021. The Bible Course is intended to increase our confidence, equip us to read the Bible better and help us to see its relevance to daily life. It will take place over eight interactive sessions and will combine video teaching, group discussion, personal reflection and daily readings and promises to be of great interest to all. We need to buy a manual for each person who wishes to take part. It has been suggested that couples should each have their own manual so they can note their own reflections as they look at the daily readings – but if they prefer, one manual can be shared between two. If you would like to join in this study please send an email to thearkhighwoods@gmail.com AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
All are welcome to join the Bible Study Groups, but let Alan know you are interested, so that he can send you details and a Zoom invite.
Details of Bible studies and other activities at Wimpole Road are available on their website here.
Zoom Church Services:
Invitation from The Ark:
We hold a monthly service on Zoom at 6.30pm on the first Sunday of each month, and a mid-week morning Reflections Service on Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Anyone from the circuit wishing to join either of these is very much welcome to do so, but you will first need to email thearkhighwoods@gmail.com for a Zoom invite.
Invitation from Wivenhoe:
From 14 02 2021 we will be holding a monthly service on Zoom at 3pm on the second Sunday of each month. Anyone from the circuit wishing to join is very much welcome to do so, but you will first need to email Alan for a Zoom invite.
Invitation from Castle:
From 21 02 2021 we will be holding a monthly service on Zoom at 6.30pm on the third Sunday of each month. Anyone from the circuit wishing to join is very much welcome to do so, but you will first need to email Alan for a Zoom invite.
Invitation from Wimpole Road:
From 28 02 2021 we will be holding a monthly service on Zoom at 6.30pm on the fourth Sunday of each month. Anyone from the circuit wishing to join is very much welcome to do so, but you will first need to email Joe for a Zoom invite.
Invitation from St Botolph’s:
At Castle we enjoy a Covenant with friends at St Botolph’s in the town centre. They are again closed for Worship following a recommendation from the Diocese. When they are able to open for worship under Covid-19 restrictions, there is an ongoing invitation for any Castle friends to join them. Click here for News from St Botolphs for 07 03 2021.
They have also sent us this PDF called Together@Lent which gives suggestions for activities for families to do throughout Lent.
Request from Citizens UK:
Our circuit is a member of Citizens UK. We have been asked by Citizens UK to consider signing a petition asking for a living wage for key workers. Many of you Clapped for Carers last year. Would you consider signing this petition now? As such you will be joining with Christians and other like-minded people all over the UK in asking the government to fund the increase in wages for care workers
from the government’s living wage (£8.72 per hour)
up to the Real Living Wage (£9.50 per hour).
Sign the petition: Social care workers deserve a living wage (livingwage4keyworkers.org.uk)
Audio CD’s, and DVD’s, are being made available to anyone unable to view the online service. If you know of someone who would benefit from this please let a Minister or pastoral leader know.
For more information about these activities, or to tell us about your news from around the circuit for inclusion next time, please contact colchester.methodists@gmail.com
Be sure to keep yourselves safe and well.
Let someone know if you are struggling, if you need a chat, or just some shopping. Do contact your pastoral leader, or send someone an email: you may be in isolation, but you are not alone.
Third Sunday in Lent.