Access to Castle Methodist Church
Traffic changes in Colchester PART TWO
It seems that the information we were given last week was incorrect.
At this moment 9pm on Monday 15 06 2020, (and it could change tomorrow) there are bollards blocking both the top of Maidenburgh Street at its junction with High Street AND the mid-way where they have been for many years.
This leaves the people who live or work at the top end of Maidenburgh Street isolated, and access to the church car park almost impossible.
Almost because Williams Walk (the narrowest street in the area) has been made TWO-WAY! We presume the same relates to access to the George Hotel car park.
To get by car, lorry, van, dustcart, ambulance, etc., to the top end of Maidenburgh Street it is presently necessary to go up Stockwell, along Williams Walk passing George Street (dodging outgoing vehicles as you do) and leave again via Stockwell and short cut road.
Councillors have been contacted about this, and have undertaken to try to resolve the problems. I wonder if they will have the bollards that have just been put at the top of Maidenburgh Street taken out again to allow vehicles out.
But getting in will still be an absolute nightmare if the mid-way bollards are not removed..
It’s clear that this has not been properly thought out!
We await any further developments and will post updates as necessary.