Worship for Sunday 26 04 2020
Once again, our Circuit Team have been working hard this week to provide ways in which we can share in Worship through technology during the coronavirus crisis.
The YouTube channel for Colchester Methodists continues to have videos uploaded regularly. If you follow this link, it will take you there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy1Oj6Fjruf2Z8jhx_WMpyw
- There is an initial video from Alan, explaining what’s planned.
- There are the Worship Services for Sunday since lock-down, including Mothering Sunday, Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday (featuring all of our presbyters and some of our local preachers), a service for Maundy Thursday, and other Sundays.
- There are several short videos by Alan, Ken, Joe and Paul with thoughts under the heading Taking Stock.
- There is also a series of Meditations for Holy Week under the title Witnesses.
Alan is in the process of creating, editing and uploading a service for tomorrow, Sunday 26th April 2020. This should be available at a normal service time of around 11am.
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the You Tube channels for Castle and Circuit, also click on the NOTIFICATION BELL ICON, then choose “all” as an option. Then you will receive an email notification each time a new video is uploaded. You can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the Subscribe button a second time, and it is all free.
To encourage our ministers and the team, click on the Thumbs Up icon to give a like (or a thumbs down if you really didn’t like it) for each video.
You can also leave a message in the comments below each video, but PLEASE don’t forget that literally EVERYONE worldwide can see this, so don’t make any personal comments, or refer to people in a way that risks their privacy in any way.
Rev Joe Adams is again leading virtual worship at Wimpole Road on facebook live on Sunday at 11.00 am click on https://www.facebook.com/Wimpole-Road-Methodist-Church-Colchester-310296022510387
Alternatively, this page from the Methodist Church Website provides information about live-streamed services and has downloadable service sheets for this Sunday and the coming weeks for worship-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic. This includes resources for personal prayer and Bible Study and there is also still a page specifically for Holy Week and Easter.
As other alternatives there are Live-streamed services available from:-
Wesley’s Chapel in London which will be available at: www.youtube.com/channel/UCUAUqhmhevz5sqhh72LIMxA Service times are Wednesday 12:45; Thursday 12:45; Sunday 9:45 and 11:00.
Swan Bank Methodist Church in Burslem will also live-stream worship on Sunday at 10:30 the service will be available at www.youtube.com/user/SwanBank and www.facebook.com/swanbank/
Birmingham Methodist District at 10:30 there is a service at https://www.facebook.com/Birminghammethodistdistrict/
Hong Kong International Methodist Church https://www.michk.com the 11.00 am service in English will be live streamed at 3am our time, but should also be available by 11 for us to watch.
There is a digital Sunday school at https://disorganisedsundayschoolblog.com/digital-sunday-school
Public Broadcasting:-
- at 10:45 Sunday Worship – Third Sunday of Easter: a service from Hereford Cathedral led by the bishop of Dover, the Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, with hymns recorded for Songs of Praise in 2017. The service was filmed before the closure of all church buildings. You can view the Order of Service here.
- at 13.15 Songs of Praise: Christian Pilgrimage – Sean Fletcher looks back on journeys to ancient and sacred places of pilgrimage, including Lourdes and the spectacular abbey of Mont St Michel in France.You can find out more here.
BBC Radio 4
- at 08:10 Sunday Worship “We had hoped…”Prof Jennifer Strawbridge and the Rev Dr Steve Nolan explore the place of hope in times of despair. They reflect on the Road to Emmaus and how it speaks to us today. More details here.
Finally, a new prayer from the President of the Methodist Church Website:-
Gracious God, in a world where corruption, deceit, suspicion and ‘fake news’ regularly fill the headlines, we are full of gratitude for the gospel of Christ, which brings light, hope, truth and ‘good news’ into our lives.
May the confidence that we have new life in Christ make a difference to how we respond to the people and circumstances we encounter, so that our words and actions become ‘good news’ for others. In the name of Christ, Amen.
Gill Newton, Sheffield District Chair
Above all, keep yourselves safe and well.
Let someone know if you are struggling, if you need a chat, or just some shopping. Do contact your pastoral leader, or send someone an email: you may be in isolation, but you are not alone.