Coronavirus Update 17 03 2020
Since our last communication on Sunday evening (15 03 2020) and the subsequent increase in Covid 19 response, we have been waiting for updated advice from the Methodist Church in Great Britain, that advice has been posted as of 3 o’clock this afternoon.
The full announcement can be found here (this will continue to be updated on the Methodist Church website) but in essence it includes the following advice:
All gathered worship services have been suspended until further notice.
The staff team will prepare weekly worship. We’re investigating what forms that might encompass but it’s likely to include streamed video, audio CDs and printed material so that everybody can continue to be connected to the worship life of the circuit. Joe is preparing something for us all to share this coming Sunday (Mothering Sunday).
All non-essential gathering, to include all of the business meetings of the church, are also suspended until further notice.
You will know from the rolling news reports that all people over 70 years old and those with underlying health conditions are encouraged to prepare to isolate themselves in order to slow down the rate of development of the virus. That probably includes the majority of us, so most pastoral work will need to be carried out by phone.
The staff team are working on further recommendations as to how we will care for each other in this difficult time. We are a people of hope and that hope will never be lost, but we also need to be careful stewards of our own health, the needs of our communities and the load we place on the health service and emergency services and as Mr Wesley said ‘best of all, God is with us’.
Please would you share this information with your church families and keep safe.
A prayer from
God of all hope we call on you today.
We pray for those who are living in fear:
Fear of illness, fear for loved ones, fear of other’s reactions to them.
May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace.
We pray for your church in this time of uncertainty.
For those people who are worried about attending worship.
For those needing to make decisions in order to care for other
For those who will feel more isolated by not being able to attend.
Grant us your wisdom.
Holy God, we remember that you have promised that
Nothing will separate us from your love – demonstrated to us in Jesus Christ.
Help us turn our eyes, hearts and minds to you.