Coronavirus Update 15 03 2020

15th March 2020

The Colchester Methodist Circuit Leadership Team met this afternoon and the following are the recommendations from that meeting: –

Church Services & Meetings:

Church services and church meetings will continue until advice from the Methodist Church/the government directs otherwise.

If circumstances arise where it is not possible to provide a leader for worship, information will be provided as to where worship is being maintained and can be attended.

Communication Network:

Each church will set up its own communications network such that members and friends know who to contact if they have a need.

Members and friends who feel themselves vulnerable should be at liberty not to meet. They should be made aware of who they can contact for service/study material.

Members and friends who feel unwell should remain at home, in their own interests and that of others.

Hire of Church Premises:

Where groups hire church premises these activities should be allowed to continue.

It is recommended that a risk assessment is carried out for groups hiring church premises. This should include any risk there might be to the persons leading activities.

Care should be taken to facilitate any cleaning of rooms and equipment necessary between hire groups and activities.

Churches should make themselves cognisant of the current recommendations regarding the well-being of persons whilst on church premises, e.g. not handshaking, ensuring hand washing facilities, using paper towels rather than ‘blow-dry’ equipment, etc.

Upcoming meetings:

The Circuit Study Day scheduled for 4th April 2020 has been postponed indefinitely.

The Leadership Team Meeting scheduled for 24th March and the Circuit Meeting scheduled for 1st April will go ahead as planned.


Information specific to Castle Methodist Church:-

If we need to add, cancel or rearrange any meetings or services at short notice information will be posted on our Website and Facebook Page, and your Pastoral Leader may contact you.

Our web site:

Facebook: Castle Methodists at Colchester
(This is a Public page: You do not need to be on Facebook to view it).

Circuit Website:

Our YouTube channel has previous Sermons available since November 2018. You can also access these from our website. Please “Like” the sermons as it helps them be promoted to other people. Also, please “Subscribe” to the channel, it is free and you can cancel at any time. If you click on the “Notification Bell” icon you will receive a reminder when a new sermon is uploaded.

The Annual Church Meeting scheduled for 1.30pm at Castle on Sunday 22nd March 2020 had been cancelled.

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